Editing the Checkout page
The Checkout section enables you to customize every aspect of your campaign's checkout process. You can add currencies, configure payment gateways, edit receipts, and set up donation notifications, as well as donor rescue notifications.
Accessing the Checkout Tab
To begin editing your campaign checkout:
1. Log in to the Dashboard: Once logged in, you’ll see a list of your campaigns.
2. Select Your Campaign: Locate the campaign you wish to edit and click the pencil icon (edit button) next to it. This will take you to the campaign edit section.
3. Navigate to the Checkout Tab: The campaign edit section has multiple tabs. Click on the last tab labeled "Checkout" to edit the various options on the checkout page, as well as the donor rescue and donation notifications.
Adding and deleting currency
1. Adding currency: On the checkout page, you can easily add or remove currencies as needed. When you click "Add Currency," a list of available currencies will be displayed for selection. After selecting a currency, a pop-up will appear allowing you to configure the payment gateway. You can choose the payment gateway and available payment methods. After configuring the gateway, click "Save" to finalize and add the currency. The currency and the gateway connected to the currency will be displayed below.

Please note that you cannot add new gateways yourself. We will provide the gateways, and you can select the appropriate one for the chosen currency. You can then enable various available payment options, such as ApplePay, Credit card, GooglePay, CashApp, and more.

2. Deleting the currency: You can remove the selected currency by clicking "Delete Currency."

3. Configure gateways: You can edit the gateway configured after adding the currency.

4. Campaign Gateway settings: You can adjust the campaign's gateway settings, including selecting single or recurring payments, modifying the recurring payment intervals, configuring checkout tips, and enabling the fiscal sponsor option.
5. Editing Receipts: You can edit the receipts for each currency and payment gateway by selecting "Edit Receipts." Additionally, you can add a CC email to receive copies of donor receipts. You have the option to modify the "From" address, subject line, and receipt content. A list of available merge tags is provided below, which will automatically pull in relevant data.

For offline donation receipts, a standard thank-you email is sent, without including tax details.
Checkout Page Creative
Custom graphics and content can be added to your checkout page to enhance its appeal. Scroll down to the Checkout Page Creative to see the available options.

Checkout Page Graphics
- Use Campaign Page Banners: Enable this toggle button to use the same header banners and mobile images added in the “Creative” section.
- Header Banner: Upload the checkout banner image that will be displayed on the desktop version of your checkout page. The recommended image dimensions are 1366x360 pixels, with a file size under 500KB for quick loading times.
- Add Mobile Version of Images: Click on the "+ Add another image" button to upload a banner specifically optimized for mobile devices. The recommended dimensions for mobile images are 540x480 pixels, with a maximum file size of 500KB.

Checkout Page Heading and Content
- Checkout Page Heading: Change the heading on the checkout page by adding a custom heading in the Checkout Page Heading field. The default heading is: Checkout Page for “Organization Name” campaign.
- Checkout Page Content: Add any content you want to display below the checkout page heading. This is useful for adding specific information or instructions regarding donations, such as bank details for direct bank transfers.

Donor Rescue Notifications
Checkout abandonment affects nonprofits significantly, with 60% to 82% of donors not completing their donations. Donor rescue notifications can help remind and encourage potential donors to finalize their contributions, reducing abandonment and boosting fundraising efforts.
1. Enable Donor Rescue Notification: Click on the “Donor Rescue Notification” button to bring up a pop-up window. Enable the ‘Donation Recovery email’ and the ‘Abandoned Donation Notification’ by clicking the toggle buttons next to their titles.
2. Edit Notification Details: Edit the subject line, email body, and set the time to send the notification after the donation was abandoned. Enter an email address to receive the notification when a donation is abandoned.
3. Send to Layer Item Managers: Enable the checkbox “Send abandoned donation notification to layer item managers” to send notifications to ambassadors and teams.
4. Merge Tags: Click on the “Show all” button below the email content box to see all the merge tags you can use.
5. Save: Click on Save to enable the notification. The icons beside the Donor Rescue Notification will turn green to indicate they are enabled.
Donation Notification
The Donation Notification option helps you receive notifications whenever a donation is made to your campaign.
1. Enable Donation Notifications: Add an email address to receive notifications. If the donation is made through an ambassador or team page, the ambassador will also receive notifications if an email address is added to their page.
2. Notification Fields:
- Notification Email: Add multiple email addresses here.
- Subject Line: Enter the notification email subject line.
- Notification Content Editor: Add the content of the notification here.
- Available Merge Tags: View all available merge tags for the notification email.
3. Save: Click on Save to enable the notification. The icon under the Donation Notification will turn green to indicate it is enabled.
Checkout Fields
The Checkout Fields provide flexibility in controlling what elements are visible on your checkout page.
The checkout fields are specific to each currency. Therefore, you need to edit the checkout fields separately for each currency you use.
1. Standard Fields: Options include Phone Number, E-mail, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Country, and Zip Code. These can be made mandatory or optional by enabling the Required checkbox next to each option.
2. Custom Fields: Add custom fields such as:
- Text Box: A single-line field for entering short text, like names or email addresses.
- Number Field: A field for entering numbers, often with arrows to increase or decrease the value.
- Text Area: A larger field for entering longer text, such as comments or addresses.
- Date: A field for selecting or entering a date, usually with a calendar pop-up.
- Checkbox: A small box that users can check or uncheck to select or deselect an option.
- Dropdown: A menu that expands to show a list of choices, allowing users to pick one option.
- Checkbox Group: A set of checkboxes where users can select multiple options.
- Radio Button Group: A set of round buttons where users can select only one option at a time.

Need Assistance?
Should you encounter any issues or have questions, our support team is available to assist you. You can reach us via live chat or by emailing support@causematch.com. We are committed to providing comprehensive support to ensure the success of your campaign.
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