Features Overview

Features Overview


CauseMatch has two beautiful platforms, Platform 1.0 and Platform 2.0, to provide clients with the most up-to-date technology customized for their fundraising needs.


Features are available on request, but there may be limitations based on your purchased plan. Please speak to your Campaign Manager to clarify which options will help your campaign SUCCEED!

List of Features & Tools


Mobilize your community and encourage your students, friends, family, congregants- or anyone you know- to sign up to raise money from their contacts for your cause! 


If you have a large organization and need help organizing your ambassadors, consider creating communities! It is a team of ambassadors that can work together to achieve BIG things!

Team Package 

Our Team Package is full of useful information for crowdfunding using ambassadors and communities.
See our customizable templates HERE.

Graphic Templates

A picture is worth a thousand words but will it inspire thousands of dollars? Use our professionally crafted Canva templates to create graphics for your campaign that will evoke emotion and inspire giving!
Access our CauseMatch-Canva templates HERE.


Sometimes you want to give out swag and other times you feel your audience will rather sponsor an event or item for your organization. With sponsorship perks, they can do exactly that!  You have the ability to add an icon, an amount, make it one-time only or monthly. More features coming soon!

Listing Donating Matchers & Corporate Sponsors

GIVING INSPIRES GIVING! Make sure your large matchers or donors are properly honored by mentioning them on your campaign page.

Checkout Page

Your fundraising efforts don't stop once your campaign ends! Make sure you add all the necessary contact details and information on the checkout page. We can add custom checkout fields and make certain fields mandatory or optional on request.

Live Events

As COVID19 hit and large gatherings have come to a halt, using our online platform to "come together" has never been easier! We are able to embed a  live stream video from a number of hosting services DIRECTLY on your campaign page. Turn your landing page into a stage!


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