Merkaz Hatzdaka

Merkaz Hatzdaka

About the Service

Merkaz Hatzdaka is a nonprofit organization which aims to help families in financial distress caused by an emergency. The nonprofit also supports Torah learning and kollel avrechim families.

If an organization uses the services of Merkaz Hatzdaka to process donations, Merkaz Hatzdaka serves as a reliable entity that oversees charitable funds and is responsible for transferring them to those in need reliably and in accordance with the law.
A nonprofit without a credit processor (or alternate) and/or an organization that does not have Sayif 46 and wants to provide donors a tax-deductible receipt can apply to Merkaz Hatzdaka to see if they will process ILS donations on the nonprofit’s behalf.
Please note: Merkaz Hatzdaka supports only nonprofits that either provide assistance to kollel avrechim families and/or emergency/distress cases.

Merkaz Hatzdaka takes 3% of all donations for use of its services. 

If you meet Merkaz Hatzdaka’s criteria, you can reach out to them directly. Please ensure you note you’re request is for a campaign you’re running with CauseMatch.
If Merkaz Hatzdaka approves your nonprofit, they will send CauseMatch and the ILS gateway company you’re using (e.g. Yaad Sarig or Nedarim) ILS processing terminal details. We, at CauseMatch, will then ensure to connect your campaign page with their terminal.

Set-up time: Up until 5 business days

Important Notes

1. Merkaz Hatzdaka is a totally separate entity from CauseMatch. Any agreement made is solely between the nonprofit and Merkaz Hatzdaka.
CauseMatch can help guide you in the process.

2. Donation edits (e.g. donor entered in an incorrect donation amount) must be handled by the nonprofit directly with Merkaz Hatzdaka.
After Merkaz Hatzdaka addresses the edit in the terminal, the nonprofit must send CauseMatch the required edit via the donation edits form we will send. This way CauseMatch can update the donation on the campaign page as needed.

3. The cost of opening the fund and its policies (including around the transfer of funds) are in accordance with the agreement of the nonprofit with Merkaz Hatzdaka.

4. The campaign page graphics must include the Merkaz Hatzdaka logo.
Click here to download the logo in JPG format, or click here to download the logo in PDF format.

5. If it’s determined that the terminal (masof) to process credit card donations is Nedarim, please note it is not possible to process dollars through that terminal.

6. Required text - Campaigns working with Merkaz Hatzdaka must add the below text to the campaign pages:
Text under the Donate Now button:
NIS donations are processed through Merkaz Hatzdaka, an organization known for its integrity in opening charitable funds sent directly to families in need.
All donations processed via Merkaz Hatzdaka are tax-deductible according to Sayif 46.

Text on the checkout page:
NIS (/dollar) donations are processed through Merkaz Hatzdaka, an organization known for its integrity in opening charitable funds sent directly to families in need.
All donations processed via Merkaz Hatzdaka are tax-deductible according to Sayif 46.

For all questions regarding NIS (/dollar) donations, please contact Merkaz Hatzdaka:
WhatsApp: 02-5025580
Phone: 1800-28-28-28

Bank Acct. for NIS transfers –
Bank PAGI (Poalei Agudat Yisrael)
Merkaz Hatzedaka
Branch # 185
Acct. # 701831
When you make your donation, please specify:
Fund No. XXXX (Fill in your fund number)
After the donation, please document it via this link:

Contact Information


Shlomo Drok

You can also submit a request on our website at this link.

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