Retargeting Setup

Retargeting Setup

Retargeting is using cutting-edge technology to promote your campaign on Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram, and almost anywhere else your donors may travel.

Did you ever START the process of buying something online, abandon the process, and then discovered that no matter where you went on the Internet, advertisements were following you around promoting that very product?  That's retargeting.

Our platform syncs with your database of emails, and social media followers to promote the fundraising campaign to your global audience.  Our Google Ads expert can see exactly which ads are converting actual page visitors and donations.

Fast Facts

On average 5-7x Return on Investment (ROI) - not guaranteed, but on average

Target anybody who visits your page but doesn't donate

Target anybody who 'clicks' donate but does not complete their donation

It's important to emphasize that returns on your investment (ROI) in an online advertising campaign depend on your existing donor data, as well as your social media activity and followers. As such in order for us to determine whether you can expect a high ROI we would ask you to submit you data and have our experts review it.


Retargeting management & ads copywriting: $3750
Ad design/Graphics: $950

*Costs for running ads (ad spend/budget) are not included in the Retargeting price and depend on your budget. Most campaigns who choose to do Retargeting spend approximately $1,000-$3,000 on ad placements.

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