Social Media Roadmap

Social Media Roadmap


The following tips and suggestions can help you maximize your social media efforts, engage your followers, and get more donations. This summary of recommendations is battle-proven and based off tens of millions of dollars worth of CauseMatch campaigns.

Before the Launch

  1. Prime the audience with human stories: Drip in content to your social media channel of human-centric stories about how your nonprofit has impacted people. Ideally, you want videos and photos which speak about individual stories. You are priming the pump by sharing this content leading up to your campaign. Example
  2. Prime the audience with donor appreciation: Recap how much has been accomplished thanks to past support from your donors.
  3. Share your upcoming campaign - Surprise is dead. Just like an election, you want to build excitement and energy toward your campaign. Let people know what’s coming and how exciting the campaign will be.
    1. Announce the campaign and say exactly what you plan to raise: Example
    2. Find an entertaining way to announce the campaign: Example
    3. Use story/impact to announce the campaign: Example
    4. “Tomorrow” themed announcement: Example

Initial Launch

Announce Your Campaign:
  • Post a link to the campaign with short text announcement: Example, Example
  • Use a GIF is to add some fun: Example
  • Post your campaign video directly to Facebook and include a short text description and a link in the caption.

Ongoing Messaging

  • Post ongoing progress e.g. 25% goal reached, 50% etc.: Example, #2, #3
  • Story-based and matching-based posts encouraging people to give: #1, #2, #3, #4
    • Make sure you are using phrases like, “Donate now” “Help us reach the goal” “Quadruple your impact” “Your gift {{insert impact}}”
  • Live video feed from the Campaign HQ: Example
    • Advertise Live Updates that people would find interesting: Example
  • Thank and tag donors periodically
  • Use pictures to show enthusiasm and appreciation from the Campaign HQ: Example
  • Video snippets asking people to give (ideally from program beneficiaries or well known people): Example
  • Use time remaining to create urgency and pressure: Example
Here is a complete folder of Progress Graphics for your reference.

Bonus Round

  • Announce the bonus round: Example, GIF,
  • Continue to post the style of posts in the above section “Ongoing Messaging” throughout the bonus round

Ending the Campaign

Once the campaign is over, make sure to post a big thank you. You can use a video message to amplify your success and show your supporters your gratitude. Example


Boosting your important posts with even a small budget (Between $5 and $20 per post) using Facebook’s “boost post” feature can greatly expand your reach. This is particularly true with videos you upload. When you boost the post, experiment with sharing it with friends of your followers, which can help you reach a larger audience and even grow your page likes.


  • Hootsuite and Buffer are great tools for scheduling your posts in advance
  • can help you track how many clicks your links are getting and shorten longer links
  • Canva is a great way to easily create graphics by yourself


The following are different types of messages you can broadcast during your campaign:
  1. Accomplishments – Reference your campaign in your regular posts and explain how your success can be perpetuated with the help of contributions to the campaign.
"Thanks to donors like you, we’ve been able to {{insert impact}}. But we need your help to {{insert need}}. Join us now to {{insert donor impact}}.”
  1. Thank you’s – collective thank yous to everyone who has helped, as well as tagging individual people who have donated recently.
“Thank you to all the people who have already supported and shared our campaign. Special shout out to Steve Gates for his $1,000,000 contribution.”
  1. Asks – directly asking people to donate to your cause and share it with others. Post a link to the campaign every couple days, uploading a custom image in the link and using different text each time.
“Please help us accomplish {{specific goal}}! Remember, your contributions will be multiplied x2 for twice the impact.”
  1. Updates – a way to keep the campaign on people’s minds, and to perpetuate the excitement, is to post an update – potentially with an accompanying graphic – telling people how far along the campaign has progressed.
“It’s been less than two days and we’ve already reached 75% of our goal, see for yourself with your own eyes!”

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